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Before the next tournament starts, we want to go over the last results from the UK Open. While they don’t make the greatest reading, we can take a lot out of them and use it to progress forward for this week’s tournament in Las Vegas.
Outright Selections: Jamie Caven 0.5pts EW – Beaten 10-3 in QF by Colin Osborne
Wayne Jones 0.5pts EW – Beaten 9-7 in R4 by Colin Osborne
Vincent Van Der Voort 0.5pt EW – Beaten 9-6 in R3 by Wayne Jones
Merv King 0.5pts EW – Beaten 9-8 in R3 by Michael Barnard
Summary: Caven performed best of our selections in reaching the QF where he froze a little on stage I felt. Jones was beaten by Caven’s conqueror Colin Osborne in the previous round who played inspired darts all week. We were a bit unlucky that 2 selections were drawn to play in R3 but VDV was well beaten and King also deserved to lose by all accounts. All in all a disappointing tournament but hopefully this is a temporary blip.
Profit/Loss: -4pts
Match Bets:
R1 – Mark Jodrill to bt David Smurthwaite: 2pts @ 8/11 WON
R2 – Michael Barnard to bt Steve Maish: 1pt @ 6/5 WON
R3 – Michael Van Gerwen to bt Andy Hamilton: 1pt @ 6/5 LOST
R3 – Louis Blundell to bt Andy Roberts: 1pt @ 11/10 LOST
R3 – Peter Wright to bt Mark Webster: 0.5pts @ 9/4 LOST
R4 – Roland Scholten to bt Wes Newton: 1pt @ 11/10 LOST
R4 – Peter Manley to bt Mark Webster: 1pt @ 5/6 LOST
R5 – Wes Newton to bt Alan Tabern: 1pt @ 7/4 LOST
QF – Kevin Painter to bt Alan Tabern: 1pt @ 11/10 WON
QF – Ronnie Baxter to bt Terry Jenkins: 1pt @ Evs WON
SF – Kevin Painter to bt Colin Osborne: 1pt @ 5/4 LOST
Summary: A 4/11 strike rate is not what we are aiming for and certainly won’t continue in the future. Overall a small loss of -1.75pts but the problem with this tournament seems to be the quick turnaround in matches and the lack of specials as bookmakers haven’t enough time to get them out. Hopefully once the Matchplay starts and The Desert Classic we will see an upturn in our fortunes.
Our betting tips for Las Vegas will start over the next 24 hours, so keep watching and we’ll try and make us all a lot better off come Sunday night.